Use this page to filter through all the counternarrative stories we host on the site. Use the search function if you are searching for the specific name of a survivor, the date filter to choose when the attack happened, or the tag filter to sort between either the survivors’ involved or the purported motive behind the attack. Alternatively, use map view to filter on a location basis.

Amy C O’Neill
Amy C O’Neill was injured in the Boston Marathon Bombing on 15th April 2015. Click here to watch her story.

Joe Campbell
Joe Campbell lost his father, Sgt. Joseph Cambell, in an assassination on 25th February 1977. Click here to watch his story.

Travis D. Frain
Travis Frain was injured in the Westminster Bridge attack on 22nd March 2017. Click here to watch his story.

Owen Lambert
Owen Lambert was injured in the Westminster Bridge attack on 22nd March 2017. Click here to watch his story.

Cat Wilkinson
Cat Wilkinson lost her brother, Aiden Gallagher, in the Omagh Bombing on 15th August 1998. Click here to watch her story.

Alpha Cheng
Alpha Cheng lost his father, Curtis Cheng, in the Paramatta Shooting on 2nd October 2015. Click here to watch his story.

Cath Hill
Cath Hill witnessed the Manchester Arena Attack on 22nd May 2017, and founded the Manchester Survivors Choir. Click here to watch her story.

Mark and Julie Wallace
Mark and Julie Wallace lost their daughter, Sara Zelenak, in the London Bridge and Borough Markets attack on 3rd June 2017. Click here to watch their story.