Fourth Anniversary of the Westminster Bridge Attack

Given restrictions around Covid-19 still remained, we were forced to cancel the in-person commemoration of the Westminster Bridge attack once again this year. Fortunately however, as we were given far more time to prepare than in previous years, we were able to organise a range of digital commemorations to take place online to bring together all of those who were affected, from around the world.

I hosted the online commemorations on this site, and with the incredible support of Westminster City Council and Methodist Central Hall Westminster (where the event would have been held had it proceeded physically), we were able to organise a livestreamed event that attendees from around the world where able to attend, and share with family and loved ones. In addition, we collated messages from survivors, bereaved, and first responders, to create a digital book of remembrance to host these messages, and then printed these messages onto cards for physical display on Parliament Square and on the Bridge itself. Each floral display consisted of one single white flower for each message, symbolising the vast number of people affected by the attack from around the world. Finally, we released images of the plaque design and placement plans in advance of its installation on the Bridge itself once coronavirus restrictions permit it.

The website received thousands of views from as far afield as Nevada, South Africa, and Romania. The livestreamed event was recorded and remains available for viewing on the commemorations page via the link below.


Institute for Social Responsibility: Victims of Terrorism and State Responses Conference


Speaking at the Goethe Institut