Contact us.

The resources available on this site are provided free of charge, for all to use in combatting extremism. If you are using the recorded testimonies and stories in your lesson plan or presentation, we simply ask that you get in touch to let us know so that we can better measure our outreach and effectiveness.

Want to find more information on how you can best use Resilience in Unity Project resources in your lesson plans or training and coaching? Get in touch now using the contact form or direct details below and we’ll be happy to help.


Facebook: Resilience in Unity

Twitter: @resilienceunity

Instagram: @resilienceinunity


  If you are worried that someone you know may be being radicalised, call the National Police Prevent advice line in confidence: 0800 011 3764

If you believe you have heard or seen something suspicious that could help identify a terrorist threat anywhere in the UK, call the Anti-Terrorism Hotline on 0800 789 321.

If you suspect an immediate danger, whether it’s suspicious behaviour, a package or a vehicle, move away and call 999 now.